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Gingko Biloba – Circulate

Better than coffee

Gingko Biloba – Circulate

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This herb is truly a force to be reckoned with as it is part of an ancient tree species and is considered by many as the oldest identifiable plant family on earth! The leaves were even found fossilized in the prehistoric rock of the Permian period – some Chinese reports dating over 1,500 years old! The trees are extremely resistant to environmental toxins and adverse weather, surviving both the Ice Age and the atomic bombs of Hiroshima. The Ginkgo leaf is known as a one of the most powerful cerebral vasodilators, increasing the blood circulation in general, and to the head specifically, thus, improving cognition, concentration, and even memory recall. The “doctrine of signature” – with its rounded lobed leaves – indicates its affiliation with brain health. Due to this blood vessel dilation property, it can also increase the oxygenation to the brain, making it an excellent choice for those dealing with stroke or nervous disorders such as dementia, alzheimer’s, depression, tinnitus, emotional disorders and senility.

Since it increases the blood vessel capacity to hold blood it also supports cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, and naturally increases the body’s own production of the energy molecule ATP, which increases the brains electrical activity. The glycosides and terpenes in the plant work on the hippocampus (brain’s memory center) to promote new neurogenesis and nerve cell connection between them – great for short- and long-term memory storage. It can improve Natural Killer cell activity, thereby boosting immune function. Being a gentle herbal stimulant, it has the ability to strongly protect the central nervous system, guarding against free radical, oxidative, and nerve damage. Many have used Gingko as a natural antidepressant, helping to alleviate anxiety, lift the mood, and create a general sense of well-being. Studies show it can help reverse impotence caused by penile atherosclerosis – 30% better than drugs, and can also help with reducing blood cell clumping, a biomarker for congestive heart failure.

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